Информация об авторах:
Муниципальное образовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 86Тракторозаводского района г. Волгограда
Казачинская Елена Захаровна (учитель английского языка) - руководитель
Казачинская Мария Юрьевна , учащаяся 8 б класса, МОУ СОШ №86,
Эссе или доклад на выбранную тему на иностранном языке:
A Sound Mind in a Sound Body
Everybody knows that sport is very important in our life. It helps us to be healthy, fit, strong and well- organized. It also teaches people to be strong-willed, determined and helpful. But at present time less people take up in this or that kind of sport. There are different reasons for this situation. And I think it is not a surprise that our president suggested to return to GTO. Our country needs healthy, strong and brave citizens.
When I was younger I used to go in for singing in folk group Dubravushka. Later I have made my mind to play volleyball. I have been doing this kind of sport for some years, exactly since 2009.I attend a volleyball club setting in sport school № 7. At the beginning of every summer I go to a sport camp in Volgograd region. In June or August my team and go to Anapa to have volley ball practice. We have to work hard there but also we have much fun. I take part in many sport competitions in Volgograd. I have already been to some cities in Russia: Moscow, Chelaybinck, Astrakhan, Omsk, Monino. I have met many interesting people and made many new friends. I visited many interesting places in these cities and took pictures. Sport help me to be healthy, fit, well-organized and determined. I have learned to work in a team. I can plan my day. I have already had some achievements: medals, awards, a scholarship.
You know sport takes much of my time. Sometimes it is very difficult to win and I want to cry. But I know that the way to the top is not easy. But I remember a nice saying: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. I have a dream to participate in the Olympic games as Elena Isinbaeva did. If my dream doesn’t come true, I will still benefit. Healthy, strong-willed, confident, well-educated people are in great demand in my country. I am sure sport is my first step on the ladder to my successful future career.
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