Информация об авторах:
- Наименование образовательной организации: МОУ гимназия №6
- ФИО руководителя: Гуськова Любовь Михайловна
- ФИО авторов: Кувикова Валерия Дмитриевна, Худякова Валерия Александровна, Потапова Арина Александровна
- Класс: 10 «А»
- Контактный адрес: Kuvikova.lera@mail.ru
Эссе или доклад на выбранную тему на иностранном языке:
There are different free time occupations. We tried a lot of them, for example, skating, dancing, horse-riding and playing the guitar, but we took up singing a year ago because our vocal teacher told us that we were good at it. We tried and liked singing and now we are happy to do this. Singing brings us satisfaction and joy. It unites us and now we can’t imagine our lives without music.
We study in a big gymnasium and we have a special singing club. Our vocal teacher helps us to make progress in singing. And we are thankful to him because he does his best to teach us.
Today there is a great variety of songs that inspire and amuse us. Though some of them appeared long ago, they are still very popular. We are fond of music of the 90-s, so we chose Roxette’s song called «Listen to your heart». This song is our favourite. It sounds strong. It is breathtaking and it fills us with energy. At the same time it is tuneful and light. The lyrics of the song tell us about a girl’s personal story. Her heart was broken but she didn’t despair and listened to her heart. The song itself is sad but it motivates us to fight for our dreams.
Different people have different tastes. And everybody can understand this song in his or her own way, but we want to show you our understanding of the song and make an impression on you. We hope you’ll enjoy it.
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