Self-education as a help in the future.


   Nowadays all educated people should have various interests and hobbies. Especially it is important for teachers because they do not only teach children but also educate them. A kid becomes a person during learning in school and a teacher becomes one of the most important person for him. Usually children want to be like their first teachers. No doubt to be a good example for kids a teacher should work on himself really hard. Unfortunately schools and universities could not teach everything that is why future teachers should do self-education.
   My name is Anastasia Vyskub. I have been learning English for 11 years. When I started to learn the English language it was very difficult for me because to learn English was not my own decision. I was too young to understand a new language. However when I became an adult I liked to study English and not only, I started learn other languages. For example, I am learning French and German. When I finished school I continued learning the English language by myself. Now I am a first year student of Volgograd State Social University at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and IT. I am going to be a teacher of IT. As IT is related to English my knowledge helps me to learn this subject now and I suppose it will help me to teach IT in future. In my opinion learning different languages will help me when I will become a professional as a teacher. Each teacher must be a class-leader. As I study not only foreign languages but also history, geography and culture of the countries I can make interesting class hours about England, France and Germany. And perhaps some pupils will like some country and will have a dream to learn language and visit this country.
   Moreover I had finished a musical school several years ago. It was not easy for me as well because of different reasons. When I had been learning how to play the piano I did not like my teacher and she did not like me because she thought that I am talentless. After a year of studying I had left the musical school. In spite of the fact that piano is my favorite musical instrument. Later I have decided to prove to myself that I have musical abilities. I entered a musical school again and started to learn how to play the guitar. I had a perfect teacher. She was a real friend for me and she made me to love the guitar. Since that time I had no doubt that I can play music. To be honestly I would like to be like my teacher. A lot of time had passed but I still play the guitar and constantly improve my skills of guitar playing. I suppose it is very good for class-leader to play the guitar because it helps to make different class hours. For example, singing songs together with children. It will make class much friendlier because music is an international language.
   All in all, to my mind the most important thing for a teacher is a desire to work on himself, to inspire pupils and to share own life experience with them.






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