Music and the English language in my life.


Music & the English language in my life.

My name is Tamara. My surname is Zheltobryuhova. I’m from Uryupinsk. I’m in the 7th form. I’ve got a lot of hobbies, but I keen on music and the English language. Especially I enjoy singing songs in the English language.

The most interesting activities in my life are connected with music and English. I always try my chance and take part in different Olympiads, festivals and contests arranged in my town.

Singing has been my hobby since I was a child. When I was in the 5th form, l began to dream of singing songs in English. Every night I had a lot of wonderful dreams. Sometimes I was on a large stage singing popular songs in front of thousands of fans, then I was interviewed by correspondents of popular magazines , once I was a grand prize winner of the International Singing Contest.

At last my dream of singing on a large stage nearly has come true. I have the opportunity to participate in this contest.
In conclusion I’d like to say, that my hobby is my way to myself – improvement. Maybe one day English and my love to music and singing will play a great part in my future life.






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