Информация об авторах:
Муниципальное казённое общеобразовательное учреждение
Панфиловская средняя школа
Руководитель конкурсной работы - учитель иностранного языка Маркова Людмила Михайловна.
Автор конкурсной работы - ученица 9 класса Обухова Марина Алексеевна (marina.obuxova.1999@mail.ru).
Эссе или доклад на выбранную тему на иностранном языке:
Tastes differ. Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies. From my point of view, hobby plays an important role in a person's life.
My name is Marina. My surname is Obukhova. I am very busy this year, but sometimes I have got some free time. I like to take an active part in different extracurricular activities, to take photos and make projects in English.
Last mouth I took part in the town contest "The Leader of 21st century" where I took the second place. As I am a member of the war-patriotic club "Kaskad", I decided to go to Volgograd and show my progress in History. I won the first prize. My hobby is taking photos. "To take photos" means for me to communicate with other people, to be near nature. It helps me to get out of depression and raise my spirit. When I am very frustrated, I'll take my camera, take photos and gradually forget about my previous failure.
Also I like to study English. I would like to visit other countries, to meet new people, to communicate with them and make friends with some of them. That's why I make projects in English. I won the first prize in the project "...as mean as a word...". And this month I have worked up on the project "The Topsy-Turvy World" . This project is about English limerick and Russian chastushka. I haven't made up my mind what my future profession is. I think my hobbies can also help to choose a career in my future.
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