Информация об авторах:
Муниципальное образовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 61 г. Волгограда.
Руководитель конкурсной работы - учитель английского языка Урбаняк Марина Сергеевна.
Автор конкурсной работы - Бабенко Александра Сергеевна, 8 лет.
Класс - 3 "Б"
e-mail - natasha050@bk.ru
Эссе или доклад на выбранную тему на иностранном языке:
My name is Sasha. My surname is Babenko. I am eight years old. I study at school No. 61. I am in the third form and I am the youngest in my class. I really love my school, my teachers and my classmates. I enjoy studying and I am an excellent pupil! My class teacher's name is Elena Alexandrovna. She is kind-hearted, nice and clever. My favourite school subject is Literature because I am fond of reading. I read a lot of books but my favourite ones are "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". They both were written by a famous American writer Mark Twain. I often participate at lots of contests, competitions, olimpiads and festivals (in Russian, English, Literature, Drawing and Reciters' contests). Usually I am a winner or a prizewinner of them.
Besides, I do Art. I go to the Art Studio where my Art teacher Lyudmila Vladimirovna teaches us to draw with a pencil and to paint. You can see some of my paintings in gouache and ink below. Also I can paint with aquarelle and acrylic colours. I took part in some Art contests and won prizes in them.
Also I am a second year student of musical school No. 15. I study playing the guitar. I really do well at my musical lessons. I am an excellent pupil as at my usual school. My teacher of the guitar Nataliya Alexandrovna is very good! I took part in four contests of young guitarists. None of them I lost! I became the Laureat of the second degree two times: at All-Russia contest and City contest. I became the Laureat of the first prize two times too: at International and Region contests. See my videos at cloud.mail.ru. Click the link below.
I also do Vocal lessons. My teachers say I have a nice voice. Recently I have won in the District and the Region vocal competitions.
Certainly, I love English! I always get only excellent marks during my English lessons. And, of course, I'm always a winner of all competitions in English! See my funny performance on video beneath my photos. And see me at the Region Phonetic Contest at cloud.mail.ru. Click the link below.
I'm not sure what I shall be in my future. But I do believe that being a well-educated and creative person is my way to self-perfection!
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