"Zombie" is a staged song.

Информация об авторах:

МБОУ СОШ № 30 им. Медведева С.Р., г. Волжский

Сластя Наталья Николаевна

Участники проекта:

Великодный Александр, 6б класс,

Вохминцева Валерия, 6б класс,

Курносова Елизавета, 6б класс,

Литвинов Даниил, 6б класс,

Никитина Алиса, 6б класс,

Жупанова Дарья, 8а класс,

Коякова Дарья, 8а класс,

Сайфутдинова Елизавета, 8а класс,

Соловьева Евгения, 8а класс,

Аведова Юлия, 10а класс,

Кудасов Юрий, 10 класс,

Латкина Анастасия, 10а класс,

Лисицкая Светлана, 10а класс,

Проскурякова Алевтина, 10а класс

Перегудова Екатерина, 10а класс,


Эссе или доклад на выбранную тему на иностранном языке:

Our creative group studies in the mathematical school. We have a great deal to school subjects. Many of us are fond of dancing, playing musical instruments, singing in their spare time. Studiing English at school we try to improve it in different ways. We participate in various competitions and quizes. We take part in the distance competitions and creative also. The last work of our team was the song "Zombie" in English. We staged a song and performed at " Eurovision in our" in town Volzhsky, but unfortunately we have not win any prize. This song is dedicated to the ideological struggle in Ireland. The terrorist attacks were organized by militants of the Irish Republican army. In a second incident  two boys were killed. We have not only learned the words of the song, but have studied a lot about the country, political situation in that time and its people. Studiing the history of the country  such a way is very interesting! Thanks to this song  we've known many facts! And about national costumes too!


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